Team Swim Suit
The Bedford Sharks Swim Store is officially open! Click on the Link below to order all of your swimwear and accessories. Team suits are NOT required but we look pretty snazzy if we are all matching. If you prefer, you can order a solid navy blue Speedo or TYR suit/jammer.
Note: it’s important to get order your team as soon as possible so you have it for the first swim meet. It’s okay if you don’t have the suit for the first few practices – just wear any one piece/jammer!
T-Shirts, Hats, and More !
Each registered swimmer will receive one free Team T-shirt and latex swim cap.
New in 2024! Adults (and kids) can order Bedford Sharks T-Shirts, Tank Tops, Sweatshirts, Pants, Hats, Bags, Towels from Squad Locker :
Get15% off Squad Locker orders from May 13- May 26, 2024 using this code: BEDFORDSST15
Swimmers will also need to bring goggles, a towel, and a water bottle to each practice/meet.
This blog on summer league swim gear can be a handy reference for the brand new swim parent.